ok guys time for puzzle 3 3/7 and I got three message,one is from gvggd and mcfreddy gosh they are good and one guy who wrote me a message about the 1st riddle and something with flabbergasted idk,so here is the next puzzle its a holiday that you have to guess!
My month is on a season that can go up to 90 degrees fairenheit,
The name of the month can also means flower,
To celebrate someone you depend on and who you can trust,
The same date as good friday on april.
ok guys hint hint look at your calendar if you don't go look the calendar on your email on google or on yahoo.remember email me if you have the answer remember it is due tomorow my email is chfelixch@gmail.com!
check back tomorow :D puzzie
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
people come to our blog
if you come here alot gvggd will make new authors woot woot and if you we get to 1000 hits!!!!!! we wil have a big party!!!! woot woot
if you come here alot gvggd will make new authors woot woot and if you we get to 1000 hits!!!!!! we wil have a big party!!!! woot woot
our hits
when we get 1000 hits we will have a party :D woot!!!!!!...
so if u want the party to be sooner then get your friends to come :D...
and next the swine flu,i hope none of u guys get it
and last we will have another add admins now!so all you chobotspower fans
this is one of your chance to become part of chobotspower if u join u will start as author if u do awesomeu will be a admin make sure u konw how to psot pix if u wnana join and nother thing if u turn into admin,dont mess wiht hit counter or playlist or authoer thiny,etc now just give chobot name and e-mail if u wanna join good luck all
(i will be only be chosing a few authors only)
so if u want the party to be sooner then get your friends to come :D...
and next the swine flu,i hope none of u guys get it
and last we will have another add admins now!so all you chobotspower fans
this is one of your chance to become part of chobotspower if u join u will start as author if u do awesomeu will be a admin make sure u konw how to psot pix if u wnana join and nother thing if u turn into admin,dont mess wiht hit counter or playlist or authoer thiny,etc now just give chobot name and e-mail if u wanna join good luck all
(i will be only be chosing a few authors only)
the next riddle week puzzle
ok mcfreddy and gvggd guessed the last riddle the answer was ''so these are the words if you figure it out if you didn't too bad email me now!!!!!" so if you didnt get it its ok but just a warning each riddle or puzzle is due the next day here is a diffrent puzzle,its called guess what the show is!
guess what the show is simply by these three words!
wat is it take a guess go figures email me now on chfelixch@gmail.com and be sure to title it riddle week 2# or it won't count
go figure!
guess what the show is simply by these three words!
wat is it take a guess go figures email me now on chfelixch@gmail.com and be sure to title it riddle week 2# or it won't count
go figure!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Contest week
we are having a big contest week because there will be a lot of contest u might win one of them :D todays contest is u have to figure out what i am saying email me the words i am saying dont comment it u dont want other people to know.they are scambled
here are the words.
os esthe rae eth wdsro fi uoy fiurge ti tou fi oyu ditn'd oto bda eilam em onw!!!!!
tricky huh?ok email me if you figure out remember each words are scrambled check out tomorow for another puzzle or contest!
update by gvggd: his email is chfelixch@gmail.com
here are the words.
os esthe rae eth wdsro fi uoy fiurge ti tou fi oyu ditn'd oto bda eilam em onw!!!!!
tricky huh?ok email me if you figure out remember each words are scrambled check out tomorow for another puzzle or contest!
update by gvggd: his email is chfelixch@gmail.com
i am making a cool contest u guys might like and some of u gave me the idea but u didnt know that u gave me the idea. the contest is u have to dress up like a chobot. u may only choose chobots that have colorful clothes and not black and white. some of u have seen some smurfets or some canabs. well here r some chobots u could use:

if u use a different chobot u must send me the chobot that u r dressing as but if u r choosing one of these u could just tell me which one u r dressing up as. whoever gets the closest color to the chobot he/she chose wins!! plzz not cheating and try not to do easy chobot because the harder it is the more credit u get. the winner well get any 3 things they want from the catalogs. 2 runner ups will get 3 citizen magic. im srry if the prizes arent good enough. email your entrys to tsadokmt@aim.com and put your chobots name and who u r dressing up as. contest ends 5/10/09. have fun!! plzz no cheating because then its not fair. if i can tell u r cheating u cant participate.
UPDATE: u may not to animeangel. she is to easy and has too much white things. srry about that. i didnt realize. if u see a different picture of her u may use it.
UPDATE2: gvggd has a orange thing behind his back. its a carrot. u do not need to have a carrot.
UPDATE3: u may not do royaltapdancer. she is to easy. she is mostly white.

if u use a different chobot u must send me the chobot that u r dressing as but if u r choosing one of these u could just tell me which one u r dressing up as. whoever gets the closest color to the chobot he/she chose wins!! plzz not cheating and try not to do easy chobot because the harder it is the more credit u get. the winner well get any 3 things they want from the catalogs. 2 runner ups will get 3 citizen magic. im srry if the prizes arent good enough. email your entrys to tsadokmt@aim.com and put your chobots name and who u r dressing up as. contest ends 5/10/09. have fun!! plzz no cheating because then its not fair. if i can tell u r cheating u cant participate.
UPDATE: u may not to animeangel. she is to easy and has too much white things. srry about that. i didnt realize. if u see a different picture of her u may use it.
UPDATE2: gvggd has a orange thing behind his back. its a carrot. u do not need to have a carrot.
UPDATE3: u may not do royaltapdancer. she is to easy. she is mostly white.
Monday, April 27, 2009
hits counter and more
we got a hit counter and smurfet's part rocked rainin carots i got some but gave away and i also cleared some of my list :D and also agents get warninig button idk what it does but i have a guess but me no tell :D i didnt actually guess it i got it :D.agents also get blue chat bubble but not really different, on a bit,and also new chobooards :D now bye bye :D
Jokes and Riddles
i forgot to post the jokes and riddles yesterday so i will post them now. here r the jokes and riddles of this week:
Q: What do you call a cat and a stop sign combind?
A: Octapuss! (Octa = Stop Sign) (Cat = Puss)
Q: What did the magician do when he got so mad?
A: He pulled out his hare!
Three silly pirates were stranded on an island. One day they find a geunie lamp and rub it. The guenie comes out and grants them each one wish. One sailor asked to be really fast. He thanked the guenie and swam through the ocean. The next sailor asked to be really strong. He thanked the guenie and swam throught the ocean. The next sailor asked to be really smart. He thanked the guenie and took the bridge.
The answer to last weeks riddle was...... A FENCE! Some of you guessed that i think.
What is greater than G-D
More evil then a devil
Rich people need it
And poor people have it?
Find out the answer in next weeks jokes and riddles!
dont forget to send your joke(s) and/or riddle(s) with your chobots name to tsadokmt@aim.com
and dont forget the answers! i pick the first 3 jokes and the 1 riddle but dont worry i still will put your joke or riddle on the site for next week if i didnt put it this week.
*Someone told me it on Chobots but i forgot who.
Q: What do you call a cat and a stop sign combind?
A: Octapuss! (Octa = Stop Sign) (Cat = Puss)
Q: What did the magician do when he got so mad?
A: He pulled out his hare!
Three silly pirates were stranded on an island. One day they find a geunie lamp and rub it. The guenie comes out and grants them each one wish. One sailor asked to be really fast. He thanked the guenie and swam through the ocean. The next sailor asked to be really strong. He thanked the guenie and swam throught the ocean. The next sailor asked to be really smart. He thanked the guenie and took the bridge.
The answer to last weeks riddle was...... A FENCE! Some of you guessed that i think.
What is greater than G-D
More evil then a devil
Rich people need it
And poor people have it?
Find out the answer in next weeks jokes and riddles!
dont forget to send your joke(s) and/or riddle(s) with your chobots name to tsadokmt@aim.com
and dont forget the answers! i pick the first 3 jokes and the 1 riddle but dont worry i still will put your joke or riddle on the site for next week if i didnt put it this week.
*Someone told me it on Chobots but i forgot who.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Aqua144 Art
here is aqua144 art. she drew me. thnx aqua.

she rocks. check back tomorrow for the jokes and riddles.

she rocks. check back tomorrow for the jokes and riddles.
back from alaska
yo everyone i am back from alaska,i will tell you how my trip was,my trip was really cool,I get to slide down the tallest snow mountian there,now lets talk about chobots,I have beated the choproof here is some cheats to win it,have two acc,use the one that u dont want to beat it and click on the academy thingy that tells you info,now go on the acc u want to win and choproff will ask u a question and if u dont know it,go on the other acc and scoll through the list,also u have to have two computer to do this i think because chobots have this system that u cant play 2 acc at the same time on 1 computer.after u win,he will give u a globe furniture but it will only work for citizens :'( and a mustache thingy that u can were wwithout being a citizen!
well until then check back everyday! :D
ps:cho proff is in vanilla at the classroom
well until then check back everyday! :D
ps:cho proff is in vanilla at the classroom
Add Glitter to your Photos
Anyone Likes It? I drew it using Blingee
I will be adding more pics of them every week
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Jokes and Riddles and Damaged Screen!!!
dont forget to send your joke(s) and/or riddle(s) with your chobots name to tsadokmt@aim.com
help me fix my screen plzzz!!!
good luck! youll need it. trust me! :) my chobots picture took a long time to load. srry for the pic.
and dont forget the answers! i pick the first 3 jokes and the 1 riddle but dont worry i still will put your joke or riddle on the site for next week if i didnt put it this week.
help me fix my screen plzzz!!!
good luck! youll need it. trust me! :) my chobots picture took a long time to load. srry for the pic.
there are updates on chobots like the choboards on in the magic shop (citizen) and the nicho kingdom in the mission agency. you need a light bulb (citizen) and some red candy and some ghostcady. and the chobot professer is in the academy (non citizen) you get some weird glasses and a globe that is a funiture(citizen)
Jokes and Riddles
dont forget to send your joke(s) and/or riddle(s) with your chobots name to tsadokmt@aim.com
and dont forget the answers! i pick the first 3 jokes and the 1 riddle but dont worry i still will put your joke or riddle on the site for next week if i didnt put it this week.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
bye everyone
ok bye everyone i am going for a vacasion to alaska,i will come back like in 1 week,i wont post much but i will be on xat.com/xoanimexo go on it and u can chat with me how about on
this sat. 7 for eastern 6 for central 5 for moutian and 4 for paccific.buy buy ppl!
this sat. 7 for eastern 6 for central 5 for moutian and 4 for paccific.buy buy ppl!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Hey Guys! I have Made a Blog I am going to try to run a blog.
Click Here to view it!
I will be Still Working For this Blog! Hope You will be Commenting and Following My Blog whiles This Blog Too!
Click Here to view it!
I will be Still Working For this Blog! Hope You will be Commenting and Following My Blog whiles This Blog Too!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Jokes and Riddles
here r the jokes and riddles of this week:
Q: What do you call it when 2 giraffes collide?
A: A giraffic jam!
Q: What cheese is not yours?
A: Nacho cheese! (Nacho sounds like Not Your)
Knock Knock!
Whos There?
Cows Go!
Cows Go Who?
No Silly! Cows Go Moo Not Who!
What runs around the house, but doesnt move?
Find out the answer in next weeks jokes and riddles!
dont forget to send your joke(s) and/or riddle(s) with your chobots name to tsadokmt@aim.com
and dont forget the answers! i pick the first 3 jokes and the 1 riddle but dont worry i still will put your joke or riddle on the site for next week if i didnt put it this week.
Hi! Follow Me On Twitter!(Ryan)
Click Here to view Ryan's Twitter
Click Here to View Gvggd's Twitter
Click Here To View Calvin's Twitter
PS: If You Have a Twitter and U R in The Blog Edit this Post and Put the Link Here!
PSS: You See a Widget There about Twitter, Then I put it Up there and U can See all of My Twitter I put up!
Click Here to view Ryan's Twitter
Click Here to View Gvggd's Twitter
Click Here To View Calvin's Twitter
PS: If You Have a Twitter and U R in The Blog Edit this Post and Put the Link Here!
PSS: You See a Widget There about Twitter, Then I put it Up there and U can See all of My Twitter I put up!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
new clothes and updates
hello,on chobots there are new clothes for noncitizen so go on and go buy them and also inside the classroom there is a teacher,cool,we might have a teacher to learn things from,and the nicho kingdom mission is comming soon on monday!
come back for more cool things every day
come back for more cool things every day
Friday, April 17, 2009
Chobots Power E-mail Erorr
Something is Wrong with the Chobotspower E-Mail Error
I made a Mistake with it it was a POSTING E-MAIL!!!
This is a New Feature!
All U have to do is Type The My Blogger E-mail and then Subject will be the Post Tittle, Your Message is the Body of the Post and Click SEND! It will Posted! But But... You Must Leave Your Chobots Name... Also If You Break One Of the Rules Of the Post New FEATURE then The Whole Thing is Down.
I made a Mistake with it it was a POSTING E-MAIL!!!
This is a New Feature!
All U have to do is Type The My Blogger E-mail and then Subject will be the Post Tittle, Your Message is the Body of the Post and Click SEND! It will Posted! But But... You Must Leave Your Chobots Name... Also If You Break One Of the Rules Of the Post New FEATURE then The Whole Thing is Down.
Jokes and Riddles
do u have jokes or riddles that u would like to share with us? well now u can! send in your joke or riddle and it will be on this blog! all u have to do is just follow these steps:
1. type your joke or riddle down and if its a riddle dont forget the answer!
2. send it to tsadokmt@aim.com but dont forget to put your chobots name because if u dont u will be counted as ? for a chobots name when i put the joke or riddle down!
3. keep checking back every sunday to check if your joke or riddle is there!
i only pick the first 3 jokes and the 1 riddle i get. plzz send it only once. the answer to the riddle will be on the blog every sunday. u could guess the answer to the riddle by commenting on the post with the riddle and see if u got it right. there r NO prizes. srry. im doing this just for fun. so go start sending because i will post them this sunday.
1. type your joke or riddle down and if its a riddle dont forget the answer!
2. send it to tsadokmt@aim.com but dont forget to put your chobots name because if u dont u will be counted as ? for a chobots name when i put the joke or riddle down!
3. keep checking back every sunday to check if your joke or riddle is there!
i only pick the first 3 jokes and the 1 riddle i get. plzz send it only once. the answer to the riddle will be on the blog every sunday. u could guess the answer to the riddle by commenting on the post with the riddle and see if u got it right. there r NO prizes. srry. im doing this just for fun. so go start sending because i will post them this sunday.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
E-mail Project
Hey Everyone! I think i got the E-mail Project and is Everyone Still Remember about the Header Contest?
Well I am In charge of Now: Weekly Questions, Edits, Pictures, Layouts, Settings and The Other Outside Features!
Weekly Questions: I have Started it! Me And My Freind Pokemon1000 will Help Me with The Questions!
Xat: Visit My Xat Guys!
Link: Http://xat.com/chobots_gangs
Please Post Mcfreddy, You haven't Post it!
Also The E-mail Project Thing! I have Sent the Chobots Power E-mail to All Authors! So The Weekly Questions will be Held there and More Other Purpose!
Well I am In charge of Now: Weekly Questions, Edits, Pictures, Layouts, Settings and The Other Outside Features!
Weekly Questions: I have Started it! Me And My Freind Pokemon1000 will Help Me with The Questions!
Xat: Visit My Xat Guys!
Link: Http://xat.com/chobots_gangs
Please Post Mcfreddy, You haven't Post it!
Also The E-mail Project Thing! I have Sent the Chobots Power E-mail to All Authors! So The Weekly Questions will be Held there and More Other Purpose!
Ramdom fact about me 1#
hey,i am gonna tell you all about me,I like to use short words like u r really cool.I go to chinese classes on saturday because chinese is one of the most important languach in thw world.I live in the united states and born in california and i am living in california!i love to do smiley faces :0.and also i like chicken,I have one older brother and one little brother.one older sister and one little sister i am in the middle :D.I love video games,I have a ds,wii and a xbox 360.my favorite subject in school in science!and i love to post blogs.i post blogs on this one and on one called piny321.blogspot.com incase you want to see it.come back next week for some more ramdom fact about me!
until then
until then
nicho kingdom and more
on monday nicho kingdom update and lots more woot! WOOT! WOOT! i cant wait its gonna be awesome :D i cant wait i am lsoing pataince lol anyways an xat i always go on now is http://xat.com/xoanimexo i dont go to ryan's xat as much as anymore and anyways i m bored lol.....gvggd out!
random fact:did u know i have chinise classes every friday 6:00-8:00 its boring and i get work xD
random fact:did u know i have chinise classes every friday 6:00-8:00 its boring and i get work xD
Ryan has Updated
Projects That Works:
- Followers Have Been Updated(Top of the Screen and Logo)
- Cell Phone Works! Yay! You can Now Chat with Ppl IN LIVE!(Only if they set it up)(Sorry I couldn't set it up)
- E-mail(I think this Might Work)(I will be Testing on This Feature)
Who Has A Best Blog 1#
ok,I am starting a new segment called who has a best blog.this one's blog is my good friends blog.his name is brian1king,his blog is brian1king.blogspot.com,not a lot of people go on it but check it out it is pretty cool,it has a mini agent booth,be sure to vote for me or brian1king.
check it out it is pretty cool! :D
check it out it is pretty cool! :D
not quitting and facting things
looks like i am not quitting and i will be psoting random facts and i will be sure to do one in this post he-he-he now uh....post u later i got nthing to post lol! look what i learned from other ppl |_ () |_ LOL! pst later
random fact:did u know i wear glasses
random fact:did u know i wear glasses
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
A new blog member and chobots power needs your power!
ok,on chobots official blog,they have a new member or author,hikkikomori.so Tina Vayerman and hikkokomori will make post together,and we needs the fan of chobots power to tell everyone to go on chobotspower.tk which is this blog.if we get a lot of viewers.we will make the krazyest party ever happened in chobots history.so we needs you to tell your firneds friend or just your friend.your familys family or just family,what will be helpful is make a poster for this blog and hang it up in your neiborhood or stores,or just tell everyone in your neiborhood or school to go on this blog.just tell everyone you see and know,if you do that,we will be very appreciate that.dont forget about the party!
until then
keep telling everyone! plz think of this blog!:] ciao! peace out fans! or homies! :D
until then
keep telling everyone! plz think of this blog!:] ciao! peace out fans! or homies! :D
A new contest
yo whats up people of jupiter,felix10 here. this new contest is whoever have been the 1000th comenter gets a big pricze the prize is a smiley suit on chobots and get to be my friend on chobots and if i can i can try to make other members on this blog which is not full a friend of yours,so keep commenting and you might be the one who gets the bigest prize I think we have ever given!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
warning:you can't have atleast 4 or more coments on one post spread your coments around like a mary go around.
Ramdom fact:I like Chicken
until then
check back
(edited by gvggd,no using words like stupid and stuff so i deleted the word)
warning:you can't have atleast 4 or more coments on one post spread your coments around like a mary go around.
Ramdom fact:I like Chicken
until then
check back
(edited by gvggd,no using words like stupid and stuff so i deleted the word)
Notice and Cool Blog
i would like u to know whenever i dont post that means i am working on a post or something. i just wanted to make that clear.
i would like to tell u a cool blog made by ROYALTAPDANCER. she is the best friend anyone could want. here is her blog: royaltapdancer.blogspot.com dont forget to visit this site too or i might get fired for doing this i think.
i would like to tell u a cool blog made by ROYALTAPDANCER. she is the best friend anyone could want. here is her blog: royaltapdancer.blogspot.com dont forget to visit this site too or i might get fired for doing this i think.
Fun Thing When Bored
here is something that u can do in your free time. if piny wants the winners could be on the family but only if finy wants so here is the thing:
name all the cities that we have and had and i will check over it. send your entry to tsadokmt@aim.com and if piny doesnt let so the first 5 people with get their chobot name on this site. it ends on friday because it doesnt take that long.
name all the cities that we have and had and i will check over it. send your entry to tsadokmt@aim.com and if piny doesnt let so the first 5 people with get their chobot name on this site. it ends on friday because it doesnt take that long.
Monday, April 13, 2009
The Cho Family
Hello Felix10 here,I am making a little show called The Cho Family,ofcourse Mcfreddy,Ryan,gvggd and calvin will be in it plus me,but we will need 2 lucky winners to be the other 2 character.I will be the director but ryan gvggd calvin or mcfreddy will have to be the video shooter cause I am bad at shooting,here are the character and the role
Ethan Cho:Gvggd
Annie Cho:?????
Greg Cho:Ryan6124
Jake Cho:Felix10 (me)
Dave Cho:calvin12345
Lily Cho:?????
yep i am sorry the two characters are only for girls cause they hardley any girls here.but on the next episode,our cousin is gonna be in it cousin Louis and cousin Zack,you might be those people,to win this post your blog but your blog has to have videos so we will pick which video is the best and you are annie or lily!
read on next week,if no one coments we will pick ramdom lucky winners on chobots!
Ethan Cho:Gvggd
Annie Cho:?????
Greg Cho:Ryan6124
Jake Cho:Felix10 (me)
Dave Cho:calvin12345
Lily Cho:?????
yep i am sorry the two characters are only for girls cause they hardley any girls here.but on the next episode,our cousin is gonna be in it cousin Louis and cousin Zack,you might be those people,to win this post your blog but your blog has to have videos so we will pick which video is the best and you are annie or lily!
read on next week,if no one coments we will pick ramdom lucky winners on chobots!
Hey Everyone! Domains are in Town! I have Made a .TK Domain!
So u can See Our Blog Now as: Chobotspower.blogspot.com/
You can See the New TK. Doman as: chobotspower.tk/
So u can See Our Blog Now as: Chobotspower.blogspot.com/
You can See the New TK. Doman as: chobotspower.tk/
since me an most of u r bored i will be thinking of something to do for u and me. it might be tonight or tomorrow.
ok guys felix10 here and i just want to tell you that if I dont get enough followers on this blog which is 40 folowers and we have 21,I will be fired in this blog :'( so i will need people who is reading this blog to become a follower,my birthday is in may 2nd really and a really good present that you guys all could do for me is become a follower so plz become a folower and help me,if i am still in this blog by april 23 the due date,i would make a really big awesome party and everyone will get gifts on chobots it might not be balloons it could be clothes so plz help me everyone tell your family and friends and tell them to tell there family and friends and tell them to tell your family and friends to tell their family and friends to tell their family and friends so just help me in this blog. :D
Riddle Me Up 1#
yo people of chobots power world,i am making a new segment called RIDDLE ME UP!!!
Ok,to keep the answer private u have to email me the answer so name your email RIDDLE ME UP.and type in the answers.email me chfelixch@gmail.com for people who dont have one make one or try another way to do it or you can go to my blog piny321.blogspot.com and post the answer there.if you win you will get a invitation to a super secret party that i am hosting on chobots.its the secretist.
a place on chobots.
squickle wickle
little furry chobots loves
buy something
wickly tickle
isnt that hard everytime i will give a mini clue
look at the word furry
ok i will proply post the answer next week but i wont post the secret party but you have another chance to know where the answer next week for RIDDLE ME UP 2#
until then
check the answer and riddle next week byee! :D
Ok,to keep the answer private u have to email me the answer so name your email RIDDLE ME UP.and type in the answers.email me chfelixch@gmail.com for people who dont have one make one or try another way to do it or you can go to my blog piny321.blogspot.com and post the answer there.if you win you will get a invitation to a super secret party that i am hosting on chobots.its the secretist.
a place on chobots.
squickle wickle
little furry chobots loves
buy something
wickly tickle
isnt that hard everytime i will give a mini clue
look at the word furry
ok i will proply post the answer next week but i wont post the secret party but you have another chance to know where the answer next week for RIDDLE ME UP 2#
until then
check the answer and riddle next week byee! :D
hey everyone i am felix10
hey everyone you might not know who I am so i am here to tell you all about me.I am piny321 but on chobots i am felix10 you can call me felix10 or piny321,I am a playful kid and i love video games,I live in the united states and I love to post blogs for everyone,I have my own blogs it is piny321.blogspot.com.check back later for some more updates.
well until then
keep reading this blog
well until then
keep reading this blog
lets try a party
all the other parties were un-sucessful lets try a new 1
time:13:00 chobot time
when:next saturday?
hope u come we might have gifts and remebr to invite all your friends gvggd out
time:13:00 chobot time
when:next saturday?
hope u come we might have gifts and remebr to invite all your friends gvggd out
Sunday, April 12, 2009
smurfet's party(and sonorues)
at the party a few mods came my comp keep crashing it was mad laggy! i kept crashing every few mins!!!i could barely walk or tALK
listen to that warning earlier i saw chobot go! was at the party and also now blue bunny mask in pet shop is for every1 yay! and its only 100!!!!! if you don't beilive me go to shop and check it out and also back to the party it had over 50 ppl!!! i guess around 70-100 ppl i guess all i know there were lots.......hope i never go to a party that laggy again........gvggd out
listen to that warning earlier i saw chobot go! was at the party and also now blue bunny mask in pet shop is for every1 yay! and its only 100!!!!! if you don't beilive me go to shop and check it out and also back to the party it had over 50 ppl!!! i guess around 70-100 ppl i guess all i know there were lots.......hope i never go to a party that laggy again........gvggd out
our record
whoa we got ourselfs a record for if i quit chobots or not 31 votes!!! our highest so far :O also u know video right? yeah..hes winnig the sliders competiotino right? yeah but he does actually want citizenship he wants bugs i am not joking he told me yerterday while we were playing chess. also i sometimes forget that video is actually garchomp(his acc wich got banned)also vide0 number 0 is also video's other acc and also while we were playing chess yerterday video did my 10th lost and he did 4 or was it 3 games that made me lost :O he made me lose most hes hard when i am not concentrating lol
Saturday, April 11, 2009
we are still having the contest for new header but it wont end we will keep checkin in so get making or whatever u do so c'mon guys make some but now no prizes cuz u got forever to do ti and we cant give u everything i have xP
Friday, April 10, 2009
i'm bak
looks like i might not quit chobots and thx to go! he fixed my acc :Dso i will be on more often :)
Thursday, April 9, 2009
New Blog and Slideshows
I Joined another blog it is called chocheatsblog.wordpress.com
Everyone knows I have been Making Slideshows?
I want to make a Slideshow that last at least 5 Minutes or More!
So who should Be Assistance and Who Should be the Picture Person?
Assistance: Has to be My Friend On Chobots.Com, Must Go to My Xat, and/or Could Take Pictures and work along well with other Chobots.
Picture Person: Has to know How to Take Pictures, An Photobucket Account, Be a Friend On Chobots.Com, Goes or know My Xat is, and work with along with other Chobots.
So If You want to Join then Comment On Here! Leave Your Chobots Name, Job You want, and If You are Not My Freind then tell me a Meeting Point using EST TIMEZONE!
So anyone wants to Join?
Everyone knows I have been Making Slideshows?
I want to make a Slideshow that last at least 5 Minutes or More!
So who should Be Assistance and Who Should be the Picture Person?
Assistance: Has to be My Friend On Chobots.Com, Must Go to My Xat, and/or Could Take Pictures and work along well with other Chobots.
Picture Person: Has to know How to Take Pictures, An Photobucket Account, Be a Friend On Chobots.Com, Goes or know My Xat is, and work with along with other Chobots.
So If You want to Join then Comment On Here! Leave Your Chobots Name, Job You want, and If You are Not My Freind then tell me a Meeting Point using EST TIMEZONE!
So anyone wants to Join?
new header
we are looking for a new header we are making it into a contest whoveer can make best header with me,ryan,mcfreddy,ieatchux and clavin in ti wins something(i haven't decided yet though) so get making c'mon winner gets something either citizen magic or clothes we don't know which yet but u can still win you guys got till tuesday(the 12th)so c'mon u guys can win c'mon
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Hope you dont quit chobots gvggd
i am very sad that gvggd might quit chobots so i hope gvggds friends stop fighting and he can log in on chobots again.
(i would rather u put this as a comment-_-) <- gvggd
(i would rather u put this as a comment-_-) <- gvggd
quitting chobots?
i am think of quitting chobots my friends are fighting and i am not welcome anywhere and i cant even log in to chobots i have if i quit what should i do with my rest of my life post a comment for what i should do if i quit thanks and i hope my friends get back together maybe *sigh*
random facts
should i have random facts when i post its time for a poll better be quick or before too late to vote
Hey Everyone! It's Updates Time!
The blue whale is the largest creature that has ever lived on earth. It tips the scales at a whopping 170 tons - that's the same as about 22 elephants. Its heart is the size of a small car, and its largest blood vessels are wide enough for an adult to swim through without much difficultyÑŽ
Those are the Updates! Also The Answer was to the Laboratory One was: Jessie2000!
- Laboratory Update!
The blue whale is the largest creature that has ever lived on earth. It tips the scales at a whopping 170 tons - that's the same as about 22 elephants. Its heart is the size of a small car, and its largest blood vessels are wide enough for an adult to swim through without much difficultyÑŽ
- New Clothes
- Competition
Those are the Updates! Also The Answer was to the Laboratory One was: Jessie2000!
Hey Everyone! You know about the thing I got Hacked? Well I am going to Get My Clothes(if i still have any left) from other chobot and give it to Ryan6124!
I will be Wearing these Items: Click It to See it Better(My Name on CHobots will be: Ryan6124)
I can Always Help You! I am mostly in the Chocolate Sever at Cafe St. But Still I will be earning Coins too.
I will be Wearing these Items: Click It to See it Better(My Name on CHobots will be: Ryan6124)
I can Always Help You! I am mostly in the Chocolate Sever at Cafe St. But Still I will be earning Coins too.

bye guys. i wont be on until sunday. if i miss any CAS meeting between now and sunday plzz tell chobot that i am going somewhere. thnx alot. btw dont forget to do williams puzzle and my contest. the contest will end on sunday so hurry up. mcho04 could win ALL 3 PRIZES. bye guys. ;)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
A new member
hi everyone this is calvin12345 i am a new member of this blog so i will be posting somethings and helping out
Epic 100 Birthday!
today epic turned 100 and here is a pic of her and the party. i was about to get herpet whos name is fail but i didnt get too because ppl kept typing things then blocking her pet so im srry epic that i made u bring your pet for nothing. here r the pics.


Check it Out!
Check it Out! Also ADVERTISE OUR BLOG ON YOUR BLOG and Comment your Blog Right here when you have Advertise it!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Mod Magic and Break Dance

here r some pics of smurfet doing mod magic. the last pic shows u how to break dance in chobots.
Vacony Art

here is more art from VACONY! its her way of saying "VACONY RECYCLES!!! GO GREEN!!!"
hope u guys learn a lesson from her.
iEatChux3 Won the Art Contest!
Please Check My Chobots Network!
Click Here to View it!
Sign Up and Join the FUN!
Please Check My Chobots Network!
Click Here to View it!
Sign Up and Join the FUN!
Vacony Art

here is some art from my friend vacony. if your lucky u will see her and maybe u will see a cool picture that she will draw.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
contact us
if u wannna contact us here is our emails
gvggd's: jasonwlcheong@yahoo.ca
ryan's: ryandang10@gmail.com
ieatchux's: jamiej1997@hotmail.com other email sakurafan22@yahoo.ca
also if u have questions too feeel free to email us too well thats all i am gonna say today
gvggd's: jasonwlcheong@yahoo.ca
ryan's: ryandang10@gmail.com
ieatchux's: jamiej1997@hotmail.com other email sakurafan22@yahoo.ca
also if u have questions too feeel free to email us too well thats all i am gonna say today
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Projects Compeleted
Hey Everyone! I won't be Posting a lot of Updates I will be Helping the Blog become Better!
Check Out the New Header! Screenhog will be coming to Our BLOG!
Also The Backround might be Changed too!
Go to Chobots Power TUBE!
Yay! Also If you have any Videos Sign Up and Put Upload it!
Change Of Update: Screenhog might Join Us
Check Out the New Header! Screenhog will be coming to Our BLOG!
Also The Backround might be Changed too!
Go to Chobots Power TUBE!
Yay! Also If you have any Videos Sign Up and Put Upload it!
Change Of Update: Screenhog might Join Us
Here are the Updates of Chobots that are Coming!
1. The Next Competition is called "Chopajev" it is a Game in the Academy... Ppl Call it Sliders
2. The Citizen Clothing will be turn to Non-Citizens!
3. Soon the The Park Chopix Time will be Updated!
4. Clothing Limit will come
Those are the Updates I know that are Comming Soon!
Also The Authors Slidebar is back! Yay! Soon there will be a Chobots Picture Abluem on My Photobucket Account. So I will look More Information on it.
ryan's other blog
some of u might know cp right welll i play it sometimes my username is jason cheong and ryan has a blog about it,its http://clubpgangs.blogspot.com/ i joined it but dont own it ryan does welll hope ya like it even thoght jason cheong is my cp name call me gvggds tilll plz cya round in cp
cow mission contest over!
cow mission contest is over congrats jessie2000 u did awesome :) wonder whats the next competion and anyways we are getting a shout box soon!(whatever that is)hope its chess for next competiton so i might be able to win oh well good luck in next competiotn whatever it is cya
To Vote For the Art Contest
Want to Vote for the Art Contest? Please Vote it at the Poll at the Slidebar in the Right!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Comments Tracker
Well I think I got the Gadget Comments Tracker Down! Do you like it?
Well the Comment Tracker will Only Work at when I am in the Internet in My Own Computer so it can tell me when you are Commenting! So Comment and Comment!
Please Comment! If I receive an Post that has 100 Comments in just one Post and it is from each different person I will start a PARTY!
Soon I will let you send in FAN Mail! Also Other Projects I am working On!
Well the Comment Tracker will Only Work at when I am in the Internet in My Own Computer so it can tell me when you are Commenting! So Comment and Comment!
Please Comment! If I receive an Post that has 100 Comments in just one Post and it is from each different person I will start a PARTY!
Soon I will let you send in FAN Mail! Also Other Projects I am working On!
Art Contest!
Hey Everyone! I got some Ppl who wants to show their Art Skills! Vote On Who you want to Vote!
Kool_Man's Picture of Me(The Head Part of it): Click Here to View It!
Jordan's Picture Of Me: Click Here to View It!
iEatChux3 Picture Of Me: Click Here to View It!
So Who will you Vote? Leave the Name of Who You Vote in the Comment! I think I know who is going to win anyways. Also if Someone Wins this Contest they will receive something.
Kool_Man's Picture of Me(The Head Part of it): Click Here to View It!
Jordan's Picture Of Me: Click Here to View It!
iEatChux3 Picture Of Me: Click Here to View It!
So Who will you Vote? Leave the Name of Who You Vote in the Comment! I think I know who is going to win anyways. Also if Someone Wins this Contest they will receive something.
updates woot!
updates are here woot! new clothes and more(sorry i cant post pix)
1.new clothes
2.shop inside update
3.any color clothes
4.any color u can be
hope u like em and chopix is bac:) so time to earn money to but new clothes
and forgot to remind u new clothes exspensive and also the old clothes some gone xD
but some old clothes stay but they exspensivergood luck gettin money post u later
1.new clothes
2.shop inside update
3.any color clothes
4.any color u can be
hope u like em and chopix is bac:) so time to earn money to but new clothes
and forgot to remind u new clothes exspensive and also the old clothes some gone xD
but some old clothes stay but they exspensivergood luck gettin money post u later
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Banner Project Compeleted
Copy this code to your website to display this banner!
This is The Banner! Banner Project Completed! I will be using this Banner For another Reason and On My Gaming Website too!
Like it?
Comment Tracker Project & Art Contest
Hey Everyone! I am going to try to make a Comment Tracker. I have very little information about it. So people knows it. If you know how to make a Comment Tracker Please Tell Me!
Anyone knows how to make an Comment Tracker? If you do Please Tell Me By Commenting! You Steps on how to do it will not be shown if you don't want to show it to people!
I am almost done making a Banner! I Hope I will you will Add it to Your Website/Blog!
Art Contest! The Art Contest will be Posted On Saturday! So you can Vote!
Anyone knows how to make an Comment Tracker? If you do Please Tell Me By Commenting! You Steps on how to do it will not be shown if you don't want to show it to people!
I am almost done making a Banner! I Hope I will you will Add it to Your Website/Blog!
Art Contest! The Art Contest will be Posted On Saturday! So you can Vote!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Art Contest Rules and Info

Today I have Started an Art Sires Contest! Yay! You have to Draw a picture of Me in the picture below. Your Choice Look at the Styles!
Style 1: Is the Picture of Me in the Academy Suit
Style 2: Is the Picture of Me in the Cop Suit with the Fire Shoes!
You Must Upload it onto Photobucket ! And then Leave a Comment on this post and your Chobots Name. You will have a week to enter your picture. Also your Picture will be shown and it will be voted.
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