Hey Everyone! It's Updates Time!
When I meant By Laboratory Update I meant By This: Everyone Remember this Thing?
The blue whale is the largest creature that has ever lived on earth. It tips the scales at a whopping 170 tons - that's the same as about 22 elephants. Its heart is the size of a small car, and its largest blood vessels are wide enough for an adult to swim through without much difficultyю
New Clothes! Everyone Knows that Mods got a Secret Item? Well it will be out and Cost Zero Coins! But it is Only For Citizen! Also If you didn't get to do the Santa Quest then you can Buy it! There are all at the Shop in the Middle! Where it looks like a Sign.
New Competition is Coming Out and it is Sliders! It will come out This Week or probably on Monday. All I know it Ends in March 17, 2009! I am ready for it! Just Hope it Comes Out when I am ready to start.
Those are the Updates! Also The Answer was to the Laboratory One was: Jessie2000!
umm...how can the competition end in march when it's already april?
Did I put March? I meant April
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