Tuesday, February 10, 2009

something cool hapening

today me and kittenking meowfrenzy were at the rope street on sever new york city something we noticed and there were 2 more ppl we found out the rope on rope street was broken and then chow turned big and canab turned big it was so funny lol u should have been there it was fun anyways i am posting and playing chobots at the same time now bye post u later
we also played basketball canab made the tree giantic and it was so fun and primaarygames came and the rope was invisible and when i went on it i was invisible then the whole backround changed it was so cool it was like everything around us was inivsible then someone used citizen magic i think nd we turned sideways then it turned back to normal primary games also became my friend it was a awesome really awesome day hope u can maybe oneday expirence this

-with fun gvggd =)


gvggd said...

this is all true ask meowfrenzy or kittenking or chow or canab it is true

Anonymous said...

try posting pix, this site will be better

gvggd said...

i don't know how