Sunday, May 10, 2009

I Am Back!

since i saw how nice the comments were that i was quitting i felt important and im staying. here is wat i have for u today! i also wanted to make 2 polls but i got no idea how to so i will just ask them and hopefully u guys will comment wat u think. who should be a mod?

1. Screenhog
2. Princess
3. Epic
4. Star
5. Jessie2000
6. Royaltapdancer

plzz tell me who u think should be one. just comment the number of the chobot or the name. heres another poll. do u think i am ready to be an agent?

1. Yes
2. No
3. Something needs to be improved = Maybe

just type in the number or yes, no or if its a mybe say wat should be improved plzz that way i know.
i have a riddle here:

there was a farmer who had a night watchman,Joe,to take care of his farm while he was sleeping. one day the farmer told Joe that he was gonna take the early train. Joe said that he had a dream yesterday that the train was gonna crash and got worried. the farmer didnt believe him and went on. when he returned he fired Joe. why?

if u could answer this riddle u could win anything thats 1000 bugs or less that could be traded. it could be something that citizens could only buy but is tradable like a mowhawk and earphones. no rocketboots. here is funny joke that made me lol.

a guy needed a root canal so he went to the dentist and told him he needed a root canal. the dentist said ok and gave him laughing gas so he wont feel a thing. when the dentist was done the guy asked when he will stop laughing. the dentis said when u see your bill.

i also have a tracker of myself. hopefully sonorus could put it next to his on the side.

btw im doing this contest on 2 blogs.
hope u guys like it. dont forget to comment! :D


♫★Ryan★♫ said...

Welcome Back Mcfreddy!
To make a Poll you must be a Admin
and have access to Layouts and u select widget that is named "Poll" and just fill the form! Easy...

But Only Me and Gvggd can becuz we are Admins on This Blog... I can help you make them just tell me

♫★Ryan★♫ said...

Oh Yeah I choose Epic to be a Mod
I think You should be an Agent!

Long Post

Mcfreddy said...

cool. how hard do i have to work to be an admin?

Mcfreddy said...

i am also very good with widgets.