Sunday, May 10, 2009

Riddle and Something Else!

here is a riddle and the prize is on the bottom:

a boy asked his father wat time it was. the father gave him these hints. he gave his older brother 5 nickels. he gave him 2 dimes and 1 nickel. he gave his younger sister 1 dime and 3 nickels. by this hint the boy knew wat time it is. wat time is it and explain how u got the answer.

the prize will be anything tradable that is 1000 bugs or less. no instruments or rocket boots. you will also have to find a letter of the alphabet that is in caps hidden on this post. the winner will get 3 citizen magic of their choice! S

1 comment:

gvggd said...

time is 1:16? or 1:25?
i found out by adding? the upper cases are in the tittle?
if i win i wan nothing?