Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A new blog member and chobots power needs your power!

ok,on chobots official blog,they have a new member or author,hikkikomori.so Tina Vayerman and hikkokomori will make post together,and we needs the fan of chobots power to tell everyone to go on chobotspower.tk which is this blog.if we get a lot of viewers.we will make the krazyest party ever happened in chobots history.so we needs you to tell your firneds friend or just your friend.your familys family or just family,what will be helpful is make a poster for this blog and hang it up in your neiborhood or stores,or just tell everyone in your neiborhood or school to go on this blog.just tell everyone you see and know,if you do that,we will be very appreciate that.dont forget about the party!

until then
keep telling everyone! plz think of this blog!:] ciao! peace out fans! or homies! :D

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