Sunday, April 12, 2009

our record

whoa we got ourselfs a record for if i quit chobots or not 31 votes!!! our highest so far :O also u know video right? yeah..hes winnig the sliders competiotino right? yeah but he does actually want citizenship he wants bugs i am not joking he told me yerterday while we were playing chess. also i sometimes forget that video is actually garchomp(his acc wich got banned)also vide0 number 0 is also video's other acc and also while we were playing chess yerterday video did my 10th lost and he did 4 or was it 3 games that made me lost :O he made me lose most hes hard when i am not concentrating lol


1 comment:

♫★Ryan★♫ said...

Awesome We Got 20 Followers and 31 Votes!!!